Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DaNiEl NeO at 10:18 AM

yo. (:
damn long never post anything lerh.. anyways.. its BB week so.. do donate!! i need donations! Z.Z anyways.. have been super busy.

somehow, i find bio really easy?? this CT my results not bad Lars.. at least better than someone who failed geog, SS, A maths, physics and some other stuff?? z.Z lol.. only Chinese damn hard.. ): i failed again.. z.Z in the next Chinese CT i CONFIRM will get A2 or even better A1.. he he.. I'm so damn freaking tired.. sleepy.. have to polish boots some more.. this Friday got founder's day.. i must make sure boots are well polished... XD

AHHHH!!! I'm stressed. ): anyways.. if the owner does not come back to this place soon.. i shall change wall paper.. cuz I'm really getting sick of the wall paper.. *vomit* sigh.. DANIEL NEO!!!!! stupid. anyways.. the marshmallows that I'm eating now taste wonderful (: yeahs! hyper.. and tired.. obviously. i owe many people things and worst of all i don't have time to complete.z.Z


Sunday, January 18, 2009

DaNiEl NeO at 5:05 AM

its been so long since i blogged.hahas.. been rather busy with bb activity these days.. so dun blame me for not posting :X
im being posted to a new class with alot of girls.. lol..im in 3J now. took triple science by chance. yupps..
then in o level music as well. met a girl.. ^^ yupps. she cant be expressed with words. yupps.. orange. hahas..
(actually she's very much blue??)

yes.. i love attending o level music lessons..hm.. goin to score well for that!! im sure of it. cuz, dats my dream! hmm..sigh. how do i get hold of something that i want badly yet cant seem to get it? how? so close yet so far.

i shall learn how to cherish and make use of the opportunities given and presented to me before its really too late for me to regret my decisions.

will she ever understand my strong feelings for her? i await that moment.
till then i will hold on and have hopes.

because i have faith, i am strong.
because i am willing to preserve on, i am willing to wait.
and because of all that i can say goodbye to her with a smile.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

DaNiEl NeO at 11:19 AM

yo! hm..i haf been busy having a lot of practices, AQ. yupps.. spent time going out as well. um... so people, remember to tag while I'm gone. not going to blog for awhile. im LAZY. lollipops. ahhahas.. going from 2G to 3H . triple science student (: lolli.. hmm.. got English homework from elearn.. haven do.. dun think i want to do?
lolli. afraid of school results being lousy... of cuz i'll do.. lol.. hm.. haf been thinking a lot recently, obviously about my life. things that happened, are happening and things that are going to happen to me that affects everything. taking a second instrument for my higher music. considering guitar. i made someone sad . =X lolli. anyways, i dun think i wuld care much oso. . lollipop. DX hmp. got practice in school later need to wake up at around 6.45am. PIANO. lollipop. need to memorise a lot of song sheets


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DaNiEl NeO at 4:20 AM

What would you do if.....
1. I died:
2. I slapped you:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. I started smoking:
5. I stole something:
6. I was hospitalized­­­:
7. I ran away from home:
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?

9. Personality:­­­
10. Eyes:
11. Hair:

13. Be my friend?
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?
15. say that im dumb?
16. Take a bullet for me?
17. Keep in touch?
18. Try and solve my problems?
ignore me if u had the chance?
20. play with me?
21. Sing with me?


22. Lied to make me feel better?
23. Wanted to slap me?
24. Wanted to kill me?
25. Broke my heart?
26. Kept something important from me?
27. Thought I was unbearably annoying?


28. Who are you?
29. Are we friends?
30. When and how did we meet?
31. Describe me in one word:
32. What was your first impression?
33. Do you still think that way about me now?
34. What reminds you of me?
35. If you could give me anything what would it be?
36. How well do you know me?
37. When's the last time you saw me?
38. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
39. What song do you think would describe me best?
40. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?

Even if you're not my blogger friend, or I don't know you in any way, or we're just hi bye friends, you could comment. I juz wanna sae that i treat everyone as a friend. It all depends whether u would treat me as one. I dun offend anyone. trust me:)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

DaNiEl NeO at 5:54 AM

hihi... yesterdae and todae were fun(: yesterdae got bowling at the safra wif the bb guys.... and omg... first game i got 89 points... then second game i got 52.. lowest for my squad.... omg.... then after that my batch and mr karthi go and have lunch together in century square... so fun lorhs... we joke around in the mall(: then after that... me, jeremy, nic teo, desmond, joel and tim went to tampines north cc.... go help karthi do some decoration.... then he ask me and ni to shift the ballons from one place to another.... then i shifted around 20 ballons... and 5 burst... and when nic shifted around 30 ballons... only 1 burst.... LOLS! then in the end i juz have to cut pieces of paper.... dunno for wad...XD... then go choing home and get change for bb dinner... it was cool.... got 9 course meal(: hahas... anyways... after dinner... we go play basketball.... so cool... i slip and fell.... hais....then took bus home wif jeremy... and that ended my dae....
played soccer.... and i whacked by the ball alot of times can... then i kicked the ball out of the court can.... hais... then go for service and.... this was the first time my cell actually came for service on time(; so cool.... then went home... use com until now...:D
anyways... during holidae i chao free can... nothing to do.... not much plans for the holidae... except... training for the next aq.... :D hope i can get into the main team....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DaNiEl NeO at 6:39 AM

hi! todae was a fun and cool dae. all the sec twos have their inter class volleyball. only a few people didnt play coz they got math trail. and sadly i'm one of them. I WANNA PLAY VOLLEYBALL. but it's to late to go back to time. imagine if we could go back to time. then it'll be so much fun...... anyways... the math trail was okay.... the sec ones were cool.... yeah... and then after tt i go play volleyball wif my class.... and i fell down and as usual i whacked the ball out of the court.... hais... then go bak class.. it was so fun lorhs... then our teacher gave out food to us... dunno for wad... then go hall go see show.. the show was ok... captain smrt....lols... then i go chapel for a meeting.... concerning about bb..... then i continued to play volleyball wif jarren and cs.... then go drink bubble tea.... finally.... i go play piano... then i got headache... very pain..... hais... anyways.... I WANNA CONGRATULATE: the most valuable pupils.... the best classes(especially 2f and 2g)... the people done well for the skool in the math olympiad.... CONGRATULATIONS(:
hais... tmr i need to go for math trail again... sian... anyways... two more daes and then HOLIDAES!!!!!!!!! so fun!!!!


the name: daniel neO.
the sex: male/female
the class: 1f'08 2G'08
the mail:
danielneo2004@yahoo.com.sg the tel:84034201
the love: God. SOCCER. PIANO.

MUST doS x)

To do list;
1) get HER
2)tell her.
3)her more each day!
4) a new phone
5)decide on the subjects im taking
6)improve on chinese
7)complete 'o' level music!
8)gif someone chocolates for helping me
9)try playing vball everyday.


melodies xD

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

time.. xD


My Past


Talk to me
